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Witch in Trouble (2022)

A young graduate student must regain her magick after she tumbles into a life of wonder…

The small town of Maplewood and its magick hide in plain sight in modern Connecticut. After finally recharging, the Maplewood Seat will wake and recruit a Holder to magickally protect the town.


Tat McGee moves to Maplewood for a juicy summer job. Once the Seat drafts her as its Holder, she badly needs the witch magick her mom had dealt away. Tat must take up and master her magick while under hostile fire. Introverted to the max, she must enlist local family, friends, and allies.


Maplewood’s economy and population had plummeted since the previous Holder’s sudden death a decade before. The town’s magick had dwindled for generations. Tat must rescue Maplewood while building a new life for herself.

When spectral enemies descend on the Holder’s mansion, can Tat and her budding team last the night?

If you like your urban fantasy with a cozy small-town vibe, you’ll love Bubble Bubble Witch in Trouble.

Visit Amazon and escape to magickal Maplewood!

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This Spell Eclectic (2025)

A key ally jumps ship but leaves behind a crystal ball in a bowling bag…

The small town of Maplewood and its magick hide in plain sight in modern Connecticut. The town’s revival has just begun.


Tat McGee is building a new life as Holder of the Maplewood Seat. The young Holder protects her town from magickal threats despite her inexperience. Introverted to the max, she must forge closer bonds with new family, friends, and allies. 

Supernaturals converge on Maplewood from around the world. Some buy into the magickal boom town, but others are set on conquest. Gini McWeeney, Queen of the Roaches, threatens chaos.

When invaders lay siege, can Tat overcome her losses and repel the aggressors?

If you like your urban fantasy with a cozy small-town vibe, you’ll love This Spell Eclectic.

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